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 强奸民意 [qiáng jiān mín yì添加此单词到默认生词本
defile public opinion

  1. 像罗马人那么文明的人民,拥有最人性的法律体制,竟然能够忍受如此强奸民意,只是令人感到震惊。
    That a people as civilized as the Romans, with the most humane system of law ever devised, could tolerate the violation of human beings is astonishing.
  2. 奥巴马最终如愿拿到了他所期待的法案,但这一过程却在嘴里留下了酸涩的回味。共产党宣称奥巴马在这一过程中有“强奸民意”之举。
    Mr Obama got his bill, but the process left a sour taste in the mouth and the Republicans claimed it had been "rammed through" against the people's wishes.
  3. 它戴着民主的面具却强奸民意,它崇尚霸权而不是和平。
    It wears a mask of democracy while prefers to rape people. It enjoys hegemony but peace.

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