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 强岩层 [qiáng yán céng添加此单词到默认生词本
[地质] competent bed

  1. 即使在含水岩层中,洗井的效果也只是近似的和相对的。
    And this method is effective approximately and relatively even if on good aquifers within the well.
  2. 对于风化岩层以及含有泥质充填物的破碎岩体,研究其流变属性对于保证大坝建成后的长期安全运营是非常必要的。
    It is critical to analysis rheologic properties of strong weathered and weak rock mass for keeping the reservoir running safely after impoundment.
  3. 相似力学特性质或强岩层的褶皱趋于成为谐调的褶皱,在褶皱形态上、对称性上、或者从一层到下一层的褶皱波长上没有什么变化。
    Folds of rock layers that have similar mechanical properties or competence tend to be harmonic, with little change in fold shape, symmetry or wavelength from one layer to the next.

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