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 强度试验 添加此单词到默认生词本
[力] strength test

  1. 电气强度试验是电气安全性能测试标准所要求的第三项测试。
    The Dielectric Withstand Test is the third test required by the electrical safety testing standards.
  2. 电气强度试验包括在测试过程火线和地线同时短路的情况下 测量被测设备的漏电量。
    The Dielectric Withstand Test consists in measuring the current leak of a device under test, while phase and neutral are short circuited together.
  3. 电介质强度试验是在每对导体(包括地)之间和每个导体与包装了金属薄片的尾档之间测量。
    The Dielectric Strength Test is to be performed between each pair of conductors (including ground if applicable) and between each conductor and the foil wrapped cord guard.

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