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strength riveting

  1. 研究结果表明:在中寿命区,干涉配合铆接的疲劳强度比普通铆接的疲劳强度提高约25%。
    Results show that in the middle life range the fatigue strength of interference-fit riveting increases by about 25% compared with that of conventional riveting.
  2. 本文探讨了刚度导数法用于含裂纹铆接加筋板应力强度因子计算的问题。
    This paper deals with the application of the stiffness derivation method to calculating stress intensity factor of cracked panel with riveted stiffeners.
  3. 最后,设计半空心自冲铆接机的C型铆接框架,应用ANSYS有限元软件对其进行强度和刚度分析,保证设计的合理性。
    Finally, the C-frame of semi-tubular SPR Machine for SPR was design and analyzed in respect of strength and stiffness with ANSYS software to ensure the rationalization.

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