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 强度量 添加此单词到默认生词本
[热] intensive quantity

  1. 强度量与系统的规模,没有关系。
    Intensive properties don't care about the scale of your system.
  2. 如果你有摩尔数,和两个强度量,你就能知道关于这个系统的一切,关于系统的平衡态的一切。
    If you have the number of moles and two intensive variables, then you know everything there is to know about the system.
  3. 所以温度是强度量,你可以通过,除以系统中物质的摩尔数,来从广延量中导出强度量
    So the temperature is intensive, and you can make intensive properties out of the extensive properties by dividing by the numberof moles in the system.

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