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 强度调制 添加此单词到默认生词本
[通信] intensity modulation

  1. 研制了一种新型埋入式曲率光纤传感器,以结构的曲率变形对传感器的输出光强实现强度调制
    A novel embedded curvature fiber optic sensor is developed, which base on the light intensity modulation by the variation of structure curvature.
  2. 开发了一种新型的埋入式光纤曲率传感器,以结构的曲率变形对传感器的输出光强实现强度调制
    A novel embedded curvature fiber optic sensor is developed, which based on the light intensity modulation by the variation of structure curvature.
  3. 按照强度调制的方式不同,多路调幅光发射机又可分为直接调制光发射机和外调制光发射机两种。
    According to the different way of modulation mode, multi-route amplitude modulation has two kinds including dir-modulation optical transmitter and outer modulation optical transmitter.

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