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 强度透射率 添加此单词到默认生词本
intensity transmissivity

  1. 研究结果表明:光脉冲的透射率与瞬时脉冲强度及脉冲初始功有关,只有选择适当的初始能量,才能得到较好的整形效果。
    The results from the technique indicate that the transmission of pulse relies on the instantaneous intensity, and the initial energy of pulse.
  2. 发现当微波的传播方向与电场平行时,微波透射率随电场强度增加而单调减小。
    When the direction of microwave parallels with the electric field, the transmittance of the microwaves decreases with the intensity of the electric field.
  3. 作者在试验中还发现微波透射率随电场强度的变化具有明显的弛豫效应。并且弛豫时间与电流变液的浓度及所加电场强度有关。
    Moreover, the behavior of microwave transmission displays the relaxation effect, which is related to the field strength and the concentration of the fluid.

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