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 强度反射率 添加此单词到默认生词本
intensity reflectivity

  1. 等离子体的电子碰撞频率和磁感应强度是调节等离子体反射率的重要参量。
    The electronic collisional frequency and magnetic inductive intensity are important parameters of plasma for adjusting the reflectance.
  2. 利用模拟雷达反射率因子检验了模拟的正确性,结果表明模拟的暴雪的分布和强度都是可信的。
    The simulation of radar reflectivity factor indicates that the simulation of snowstorm's precipitation distribution and intensity were reasonable.
  3. 通常非相干的常规天气雷达的应用仅仅是通过雷达回波强度的探测来提供天气目标物的位置和其反射率的信息。
    Usually, conventional incoherent weather radar is used to provide only the information on the position of a weather target and its radar reflectivity by detecting echo intensity.

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