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 强度极限 添加此单词到默认生词本
[力] ultimate strength

  1. 当外加载荷超过材料强度极限而造成零件断裂称为过载断裂。
    When the applied load exceeds the limit strength of the material as a result of parts breaking overload fracture.
  2. 相对于常规直接水冷铸造,低频电磁铸造提高铸态拉伸强度极限和延伸率。
    And the ultimate tensile strength and elongation of low frequency electromagnetic cast billets are greatly increased.
  3. 在深井软岩条件下,巷道围岩应力状态处于岩石强度极限邻域内,围岩会产生较大的蠕变变形。
    Soft rock wall of tunnels in deep mining will have large creep deformation when the stress in rock is near its ultimate strength.

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