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 强度理论 添加此单词到默认生词本
strength theory
[力] theory of strength

  1. 岩石在高应变率下的破坏类型及动态强度理论是工程爆破中的一个重要的基本问题。
    The failure patterns and dynamic strength theory of rock is an important problem in engineering blasting.
  2. 根据分析结果,用第三强度理论对工作缸进行了强度评价。
    Based on the analysis results, the strength of the hydraulic cylinder is analyzes based on the third strength theory.
  3. 重点介绍了强度理论、晶间搭桥理论、 凝固收缩补偿理论和CSC判据、HCS判据。
    The strength theory, dendritic bridging theory, solidification shrinkage repairing theory and CSC criterion, HCS criterion are stressed.

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