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 强度系数 添加此单词到默认生词本
strength coefficient

  1. 经过时效处理接头强度系数提高到72.5%。
    After aging treatments, the strength coefficient reached 72.5%.
  2. 结果表明:路面状况指数、路面行驶质量指数、路面强度系数和路面抗滑摆值的预测数据有较高的精度。
    The results show that predicted data of pavement condition index, riding quality index, structure strength index and British pendulum number is much better precision.
  3. 对多粒度组成焦炭颗粒而言,模压压力及粒度组成配比对其耐压强度系数的影响不甚明显;
    In the case of coke particles with many kinds of grain size, the molding pressure and the grain mixing ratio have a little effect on the compressive strength coefficient.

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