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 强度衰减 [qiáng dù shuāi jiǎn添加此单词到默认生词本
intensity attenuation

  1. 分析了0515号台风“卡努”登陆后强度衰减的原因。
    This paper analyses the reasons of its intensity weakens after No. 0515 typhoon "Khanun" landing.
  2. 提出评价结构强度衰减过程的经验模型———强度衰减模型。
    Imitating strength increasing model presented before, an experiential strength decreasing model is brought forward.
  3. 基于连续体损伤力学理论,建立了各向异性混凝土抗拉疲劳剩余强度衰减模型。
    Based on the continuum damage mechanics, an anisotropic elasto-damage model for predicting the residual strength of concrete under tension fatigue loading is presented.

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