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 强度矩阵 添加此单词到默认生词本
intensity matrix

  1. 关系矩阵,关系强度矩阵及其可达矩阵之间的函数集和副系统集都成立,因此,该系统的结构建立。
    The relationship matrix, relationship intensity matrix and its reachable matrix between the function set and the sub-system set are set up, therefore the system structure is established.
  2. 年度显示的强度取决于湿度和温度等有关变量所组成的一个复杂矩阵
    The intensity of the annual display is dependent on a complicated matrix of variables related to moisture and temperature.
  3. 强度分析采用迁移矩阵法,稳定性分析采用样条能量法。
    The strength is calculated by the transfer matrix method and stability is computed by spline energy method.

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