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 强度检验 添加此单词到默认生词本
[统计] ruggedness test

  1. 我国水泥强度检验方法如采用ISO 标准或相当于ISO标准后, 磷石膏制水泥装置将面临着严峻的挑战。
    After adopting ISO standard to test cement strength, equipment for producing cement from phosphor will face the challenge.
  2. 经拍片和机械强度检验,证明焊接接头无内部缺陷并符合技术要求。
    The photograph and mechanical robustness tests show that the welding joints have no internal defects and accord with the technical requirements.
  3. 钻芯法修正法的实质是对混凝土强度检验结果的平均值的可信程度和检测精度提出具体的要求。
    The essential content of the core- drilling amendment method is to determine the requirement of confidence degree and detection precision degree of the average detection results of concrete strength.

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