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 强密码 添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] strong cipher

  1. 将您的用户名和强密码组合在一起,这样可以提供足够的安全性加
    The combination of your name and a strong password provide sufficient corroboration.
  2. 遗憾的是,在 V7 之前,默认的 SSL 强密码选择包含一些明显非常弱的密码
    Unfortunately, prior to V7, the default SSL cipher selection of strong includes some notably weak ciphers.
  3. 又如,可以实行严格的密码策略,要求用户选择一个强密码,并经常更换密码
    A strict password policy might be put in effect that requires users to select a strong password and change it on a frequent basis.

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