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 强子反应 添加此单词到默认生词本
hadron reaction

  1. 最近实验上发现高能粒子反应末态强子多重数与其质量之间满足简单普适经验公式。
    Recently experiments found that multiplicities of final state particles in high energy reactions and their masses satisfy a simple universal experienced formula.
  2. 指出在轻子诱发反应中测量产生超子的极化是研究高能强子化过程自旋转移的理想途径。
    We show that measuring the polarization of hyperon in the lepton induced reactions is an ideal way to study the spin transfer in high energy hadronization processes.
  3. 本文利用强子非衍反应的“三火球模型”与我们提出的“夸克组合律”结合,对这一事实作出了自然解释;
    By combination of the "three fireball model" of the nondiffrac-tive hadron-hadron collision and the "quark combination" we proposed caller, this can be ex-plained naturally.

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