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 强子原子 添加此单词到默认生词本
hadronic atom

  1. 这项成果是基于,在大型强子对撞机在2010年最后两周的运行期间,对其收集的数据进行的分析,当时这台原子对撞机改换成氢质子对铅离子的碰撞。
    The results are based on analysis of data collected during the last two weeks of the 2010 LHC run, when the atom smasher switched from colliding hydrogen protons to lead-ions.
  2. 这种担忧绝无可能发生:强子对撞机仅可能创造出一个人工黑洞,但是这个人工黑洞是如此之小,以致连一个原子都无法吞噬,更别谈吞噬整个地球了。
    That was never on the cards: although it is just possible that the device could generate an artificial black hole, it would be too small to swallow an atom, let alone the Earth.
  3. 真正的实验将在几个月后,届时科学家们将激发高能量的原子碰撞,并开始认真的分析强子碰撞后的现象。
    The true test will come as scientists provoke high-energy atom particle collisions and begin to analyse in earnest the fall out from the proton collisions in the months to come.

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