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 教育心理学 添加此单词到默认生词本
[心理] educational psychology

  1. 故事开始于1972年,印第安纳大学的教育心理学教授邱良黄测试了200名中国儿童和300名美国儿童。
    The story begins in 1972, when Liang-Hwang Chiu, a professor of educational psychology at Indiana University at Kokomo, tested more than 200 Chinese and 300 American children.
  2. 由胡领导还有来自像教育心理学,生物,法律,伦理学,社会学,和心理咨询学这些学科领域的12个老师,将会给这些选了性教育作为副修课的学生上课。
    Led by Hu, 12 teachers from fields like educational psychology, biology, law, ethics, sociology and psychological counseling will teach the students who chose sex education as their minor.
  3. 因为《电子学季刊—教育心理学研究》杂志上的一项研究表明,那些在数学考试过程中把解题思路念出来的人最后得到的答案会更准确。
    Because a study published in the Electronic Journal of Research In Educational Psychology suggests that students who think out loud while taking a math test are more likely to get the right answer.

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