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 教育旅游 添加此单词到默认生词本
educational tour

  1. 两年前,他决定到中国上海的一家教育旅游公司——China Prep,做暑期兼职。
    Two years ago, he decided to take a temporary summer position in Shanghai with China Prep, an educational travel company.
  2. 由于一股出国取经看人家教什么的教育政策热潮,芬兰成为了教育旅游热点。
    Finland’s status as an education-tourism hot spot is a result of the hot fashion in education policy: to look abroad for lessons in schooling.
  3. 而就在最近,施耐德曼借教育旅游的机会走访了波兰,在那里重温了战后60年间众多幸存者的秘密。
    More recently, Schneiderman traveled to Poland on an educational trip that led him back to the secrets of a group of survivors six decades after the war's end.

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