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 教育管理学 [jiào yù guǎn lǐ xué添加此单词到默认生词本
educational managerialics

  1. 我国的教育管理学经过几十年的不断发展,在学科体系上日臻成熟,研究成果显著。
    Through decades of development, Chinas educa tional managementscience is approaching perfection in the scientific system of study and remarkable products are made at the same time.
  2. 教育管理学经过20年的发展已成为一门独立的学科。但在其体系建构中尚存在问题。
    Although higher education administration has become an independent subject after 20 years' development, there are still some problems to be solved in the theoretical system construction.
  3. 其中,教育管理价值论与教育管理整合论就是在反思教育管理科学论的过程中新近出现的两种颇具影响的教育管理学理论。
    The value theory and naturalistic coherentism in education administration are two very important and influential theories which are against the views of the science theory in education administration.

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