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 教育统计 添加此单词到默认生词本
educational statisitcs

  1. 但据美国教育统计中心资料,只有不足25%的小学校每天安排体育课。
    Howeer, fewer than 25 percent of U.S. elementary schools proide daily physical education, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.
  2. 国家教育统计中心说,超过4200所学院和大学提供学位。包括两年制和四年制。
    The national center for education statistics says more than 4200 colleges and universities award degrees. These include two-year schools as well as four-year schools.
  3. 国家教育统计中心提出现在有4200多所大学可以颁发学位,包括2年制和4年制。
    The National Center for Education Statistics says more than 4200 colleges and universities award degrees. These include 2-year schools as well as 4-year schools.

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