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 教育经济学 添加此单词到默认生词本
pedagogical economics

  1. 教育经济学在理论基础、研究对象和研究方法等方面都受到西方经济学的影响。
    The theory bases, research object, and study method of the economics of education are all influenced by the western economics.
  2. 经济与教育是现代社会发展的两大基础,对研究两者关系的探讨是教育经济学研究重点。
    Economy and education are two basses for the development of modern society , and the research on their relation is an important field in educational economics .
  3. “有些东西正在使得大学学位贬值,”Eric A. Hanushek说,他是胡佛研究所的教育经济学家,那也给了硕士学位额外的信号力量。
    “There is definitely some devaluing of the college degree going on, ” says Eric A. Hanushek, an education economist at the Hoover Institution, and that gives the master’s extra signaling power.

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