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 教育理念 添加此单词到默认生词本
educational idea
educational concept

  1. 我指责切尔西运用误导的教育理念,使规模小的学校无法生存。
    I accused her of ruining the small schools with misguided education ideas.
  2. 我们现在所应用的大多教育理念最初是来自美国。
    Sahlberg: Most educational ideas that we are employing are initially from the United States.
  3. 我认为需要对教育系统进行一次全面的革新,加入一些新的教育理念,如鼓励创新等。
    As far as I am concerned, there needs to be a comprehensive renovation in the educational system, where new educational concepts, such as to inspire creation, are installed.

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