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 教育生态学 [jiào yù shēng tài xué添加此单词到默认生词本
ecology of education

  1. 信息技术; 基础教育教育信息化; 教育生态学
    Information Technology; Basic Education; Education Informatization; Educational Ecology;
  2. 虽然克雷明的教育生态学理论产生于人们对美国教育制度持普遍怀疑态度的时代,但克雷明仍对美国教育制度持有一种积极乐观的态度。
    Although his ecology of education was developed in the age when the public had no trust in American educational system, Cremin took an optimistic attitude towards it.
  3. 教育生态学的视角研究高校学生就读生态环境,意味着将大学生在高校中的就读环境看做是一个有机统一的复杂的生态系统。
    According to the educational ecology, the Studying ecological environment of College students (SEECS) means the Studying ecological environment is regarded as an organic and complex ecosystem.

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