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 教育界 [jiào yù jiè添加此单词到默认生词本
educational circles
educational world

  1. 第三次全国教育工作会议以后,素质教育已经成为中国教育界的最强音。
    After the third national conference on education, quality education has become the strongest note in the educational field of China.
  2. 自主学习是学生自己主宰自己的学习,也是目前教育界提倡的一种学习方式。
    Autonomous Study is the one that students learn voluntarily and that is now encouraged by the educational circles.
  3. 那些空洞的口号当然一向是由学术界、教育界、舆论界以及意识形态领域的其它方面大吹大擂的,其目的是为了安抚国内民心。
    The idealistic slogans are, of course, to be constantly trumpeted by scholarship, the schools, the media, and the rest of the ideological system in order to pacify the domestic population.

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