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 教育社会学 添加此单词到默认生词本
educational sociology
sociology of education

  1. 教育公平是教育社会学的经典课题之一,也是我国教育发展的重要原则。
    Education Equity is one of the classical topics of sociology of education, is also the important principle of ours education development.
  2. 教育社会学本土研究和自主发展的必要性、可能性和可行性三个方面对上述观点进行了论证。
    It discuss above idea from three aspects of the necessary, possibility and feasible of the local research and the independent development of the educational sociology.
  3. 课程社会学基础的研究,内容包括课程研究的社会学范式,课程的社会性分析,教育社会学流派对课程的透析等。
    The content of the basic study on course sociology includes the sociological pattern of course study, the sociological analysis of courses, and the dialysis of education sociology schools on courses.

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