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 教育科学 添加此单词到默认生词本
science of education

  1. 我校是武昌区教育科学实验基地学校。
    Our school is an advanced one in aim management in Wuchang.
  2. 国家支持、鼓励和组织教育科学研究,推广教育科学研究成果,促进教育质量提高。
    The State supports, encourages and organizes scientific research in education, disseminate the results of scientific research in education so as to enhance the quality of education.
  3. 是省属重点大学,是山西省高等师范教育、高等艺术教育教育科学研究和师资培训的中心。
    Is a provincial key university, Shanxi Province is a normal education, higher education, the arts, education, scientific research and teacher training center.

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