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 教育方针 添加此单词到默认生词本
policy for education

  1. 全面贯彻教育方针,不断深化素质教育,努力发展办学特色。
    Completely carry out the educational policy. Deepen quality education without pause. Strive to improve schooling in characteristics.
  2. 陈独秀:“今日之教育方针”,《新青年》1915年10月15日,第1卷2号。
    [Chen Duxiu. “The Educational Policy Today”, The New Youth, Oct.15, 1915. No.2 , Vol.1.
  3. 因而,学习和吸收古今中外教育教学理论,深入领会党和国家的教育方针是班主任做好工作的有力保障。
    As a result, learning and absorbing ancient and modern educational theory, in-depth understanding of the party and the country's education policy is a powerful teacher do a good job security.

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