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 教育捐款 添加此单词到默认生词本
educational endowments

  1. 享受奖学金的学生不必向HECS交费。(注:hecs高等教育捐款计划。)
    If a student is on a scholarship, he or she may not have to pay HECS.
  2. 男性捐款人数比女性捐款人多,其比例将近二比一,同时他们发现,58%捐款人已经完成大学或研究生教育,42%捐款人没有大学学位。
    Male donors outnumber female donors almost two to one, they found, and while 58 percent of donors have finished college or graduate school, 42 percent don't have a college degree.
  3. 最近,达斯提亚里先生接受了来自玉湖公司和澳大利亚精英高等铙教育学院的捐款,该学院由一名华裔澳洲人经营,和中澳两国政府有着密切的联系。
    Mr Dastyari, it recently emerged, has accepted donations from Yuhu and from the TopEducation Institute, a local firm run by a Chinese-Australian with close ties to the governmentsof both countries.

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