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 承载焊缝 [chéng zài hàn fèng添加此单词到默认生词本
strength weld

  1. 首先设计了相应的拉伸试样,进而对试验结果进行了对比分析,得到补焊焊缝的极限承载应力,为补焊管道的安全评价提供了依据。
    The relevant tensile test specimens were designed and tested; then the test results were compared and analyzed to obtain the ultimate bearing stress.
  2. 采用失效评定图技术分析了油气长输管道特别是高强度大口径管道环焊缝不同强度匹配形式对管道极限承载能力以及抗断性能的影响。
    The effect of girth weld strength match on the limit load and fracture resistance of high-grade,large diameter pipelines was analyzed with failure analysis diagram(FAD) method.
  3. 采用失效评定图技术分析了油气长输管道中高强度管线钢大口径管道环焊缝不同强度匹配形式对管道极限承载能力以及抗断性能的影响。
    Effect of girth weld strength match on limit load and fracture resistance of high strength, large diameter pipelines steel is analyzed with FAD (Failure Analysis Diagram) method.

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