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 承运人责任条款 添加此单词到默认生词本
identity of carrier clause
[交] carrier's liability clause

  1. 承运人在海上货物运输过程中的通知责任体现在提单的通知条款中。
    The carriers responsibility for notification, for the purpose of carriage of goods by sea, is provided for in the notification clause on the back of the Bill of Lading.
  2. 有利于承运人的保险利益或类似的条款,应视为属于免除承运人责任条款
    A benefit of insurance in favour of the carrier or similar clause shall be deemed to be a clause relieving the carrier from liability.
  3. 有利于承运人的保险利益(条款)或类似的条款,应视为免除承运人责任条款
    A benefit of insurance(clause) in favour of the carrier or similar clause shall be deemed to be a clause relieving the carrier from liability.

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