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 承重墙 添加此单词到默认生词本
main wall
load bearing wall

  1. 该系统通常称为“盒子体系”,英属哥伦比亚大学的结构体系分类称为“承重墙体系”。
    This system – often referred to as a "box system" – falls within the UBC structural system category known as a "bearing wall system".
  2. 高度,宽度,深度按照各自尺寸搭建成一个相互关联的综合网,这是该项目建筑承重墙所必需的。
    A complex web of regulations governed the height, width, depth and specific relationship to the retaining walls needed to build the project.
  3. 计算机,宽带单元,扬声器,桌灯等都连在一个单独的承重墙上的插坐上,当不用的时候,它就会断电。
    The computer, broadband unit, speakers, desk lamp, etc. were connected from a single mains wall socket, which would be turned off when not in use.

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