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 承重板 添加此单词到默认生词本
[建] bearing plate

  1. 但他们曾在一个地方逗留三周,从各个方向肆虐着这个承重板
    But they have been in one place for 3 weeks, ravaging the force floor from miles in all directions.
  2. 因此,应该先在自由滑当中熟练掌握内承重的时机。
    Thus, the proper timing related to loading the inside ski has to be mastered in a free skiing first.
  3. 包装高度从吹风区到包装区的主要问题是在承重板减速时纸卷的移动。
    The main problem of the pack elevation from the storm to the wrapping area is the behaviour of the tissue roll during the deceleration of the bearing plate.

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