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 承重装置 [chéng zhòng zhuāng zhì添加此单词到默认生词本
load carrier
load supporting device

  1. 带有硬铝型材双柱的2.3米号的薄膜引取塔,控制柜设计精巧,集成了控制箱和冷却环的吹气装置。整个系统安装在四个承重脚轮上,其中两个带有刹车装置
    large 2,3 meter high film tower with twin pillars of rigid extruded aluminium profiles. sub cabinet of modern pleasing design, which incorporates the control cabinet as well as the blower for the cooling ring. whole assembly is fitted with four heavy-duty casters where two casters are equipped with brakes.
  2. 由于阳台是挑出去的,做园林景观又极有可能用到假山、水池等装置,所以一定要具体了解楼盘的承重情况才进行设计。
    Because winkle goes to the balcony, do gardens landscape to use the device such as rockery, cistern extremely likely again, must understand a building in detail so dish bearing the circumstance just undertakes designing.

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