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 承重能力 添加此单词到默认生词本
bearing capacity
[建] weight capacity

  1. 绞车由电力驱动,承重能力200千克,还可用于救援地面或海面人员。
    It can also rescue people from the ground or from the sea by an electrically operated hoist with 200 kg capacity.
  2. 实际使用表明,新型离子渗氮炉可大大降低热量损失,增加承重能力,维护保养方便;
    Production operation has shown that the newly designed plasma nitriding furnace is of low heat loss, high load bearing capacity and easy maintenance.
  3. 该直升机承重能力的早期实用性,可能会帮助转移公众有关对重型直升机支持阿富汗的英军的批评降到最小值。
    Earlier availability of the Chinook's heavy-lift capability might have helped divert public criticism of the perceived paucity of heavy helicopter support for British forces in Afghanistan.

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