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 承重结构 添加此单词到默认生词本
[建] bearing structure
load-carrying members

  1. 挂篮作为悬臂施工的承重结构,挂篮设计的合理与否关系到整个桥梁的施工质量。
    Bridge construction quality is concerned with suspended basket, which is the supporting structure in construction.
  2. 主拱圈是拱桥主要的承重结构,也是拱桥加固的重点。
    Main arch ring is the most important load-bearing structure in arch bridge, also it is the emphasis of arch bridge reinforcement.
  3. 论述了加层轻型钢结构中需对屋顶板、承重结构、地基及基础、抗震设计、消防通道、消防设施及施工荷载等进行校核;
    It is described the checks of the light steel structure on roof plate, bearing structure, foundation, aseismic design, fire passage and equipments, as well as construction load etc;

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