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 承重梁 [chéng zhòng liáng添加此单词到默认生词本
spandrel girder

  1. 两名宇航员正为给国际空间站装上一根重达两吨的承重梁
    Two astronauts have been busy installing a two-ton beam onto the International Space Station.
  2. 摘要对砖混一框架结构下部砌体结构承重梁结构设计优化进行探讨。
    This paper probes into the optimization of structural design for bottom bearing beam of the lower masonry structure of brick-frame construction.
  3. 搁楼的货架不但是保管物料的场所,而且是上层建筑承重梁的支撑。灵活设计成二层、多层、充分利用空间。
    The multi-tier rack using the pole of shelf as the shelf as the supporting of the floor ,the floor may be two or three.

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