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 承重墙结构 添加此单词到默认生词本
solid walled structure

  1. 飞机的钢结构被用作承重墙,而轻量级的铝外壳和飞机翅膀则被回收利用成屋顶材料和外墙。
    The plane's steel structure was used for load-bearing walls, while the light-weight aluminum shell and wings were reappropriated as roofing material and exterior walls.
  2. 该建筑采用钢筋混凝土承重墙和两个混凝土中心循环核心结构,建筑结构十分坚固。
    The building is designed as a solid structure with load bearing walls and two central circulation cores constructed in reinforced concrete.
  3. 建筑的结构为轻质木结构,其中心有混凝土承重墙,玻璃立面也采用了钢柱承重。
    Structurally it is a combination of the lightweight timber structure, the centrally located load-bearing concrete walls and the steel columns behind the glass facade.

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