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 承重层 添加此单词到默认生词本
[公路] bearing stratum

  1. 路面结构中基是主要承重层,它的使用性能直接影响路面的使用质量。
    Pavement structure layer inside base course is usage quantity of main supporting course, its usage direct influence the function pavement.
  2. 因此,我们根据地下组成成分认为应该将该住宅的承重层建立在半地下部分。
    Therefore, we thought support according to the composition of not the ground improvement, but a half underground from the beginning of the plan.
  3. 水泥稳定碎石基,以其水稳性好,早期强度高等优点被应用于高速公路路面基,起着承重层作用。
    Concrete-bound base has the advantage of good stability and high early strength, which has been applied in the base of expressway surface, playing the role of load-bearing layer.

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