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 承载面积 添加此单词到默认生词本
loading area
[力] bearing area

  1. 我们班正在研究小面积林地的生物承载量。
    Our class is studying the carrying capacity of small forests.
  2. 太湖盆地占据了整个中国百分之三的陆地面积,上面承载着百分之八的中国人民。
    The Taihu Lake basin accounts for about 3 percent of the country's land area and 8 percent of its population.
  3. 面对草场质量、气候、人口等不同的初始条件,不同的地区划分到户的草场面积及草场承载的牲畜数量不尽相同。
    Given different initial conditions, such as pasture quality, population and even different climate, different pasture regions made very different division of pasture and livestock.

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