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 承载试验 [chéng zài shì yàn添加此单词到默认生词本
[建] bearing test

  1. 进行了点支式异形中空玻璃板受弯承载试验,分析了位移、应力的分布特点。
    This paper carried out bearing experiment of point-supported parallelogram insulating glass unit, and analyzed the displacement and stress distribution.
  2. 本研究旨在由室内浅基础模型承载试验,探讨当基础置于胶结不良砂岩边坡顶部时,不同退缩距离对承载行为之影响。
    This study aims to investigate the effect of setback distance on the loading behaviors of the shallow foundation located on the crest of a slope of poorly cemented sandstone.
  3. 本公司目前存在的技术攻关难题是高强度、耐温100℃下(承载试验)的合金塑料,阻燃要求B1级,配方成本在1万元左右。
    We have problems of high intensity and temperature duration under 100℃ , flame retardant B1 grade, and formula cost about 10 thousand RMB.

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