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 生物域 [shēng wù yù添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 无尺度分子网络的诞生,不同DNA的数目和每基因组蛋白质数目〉。《生物信息学》,17卷,第10期(2001年):988-96页。
    Rzhetsky, A., and S. M. Gomez. "Birth of scale-free molecular networks and the number of distinct DNA and protein domains pergenome." Bioinformatics 17, no. 10 (2001): 988-96.
  2. "无尺度分子网路的诞生,不同DNA的数目和每基因组蛋白质数目"。《生物资讯学》,17卷,第10期(2001年):988-96页。
    Rzhetsky, A., and S. M. Gomez. "Birth of scale-free molecular networks and the number of distinct DNA and protein domains pergenome." Bioinformatics 17, no. 10 (2001): 988-96.
  3. 摘要建立了一个能产生激励力、获取生物物料响应信号和分析信号频特性的试验系统。
    An experimental system was set up to generate the impact force, measure the response signal, and analyse the frequency spectrum for physical property detection of biological product.

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