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 生物处理系统 添加此单词到默认生词本
biological treatment system

  1. 流体化床、浮动床生物处理系统的载体。
    Carrier in the fluidization bde trestment system and floating bde treatment system.
  2. 可配合水处理生物处理系统(PACT法)使用,效果更佳。
    Better effects can de achieved when it is used together with the method of PACT in water treatment.
  3. 通过对生物处理系统中微生物检测和生态学研究,可以分析确定系统中功能微生物的数量,群体结构和活性,从而实现构建人工强化生态系统,提高废水生物处理效率的目的。
    Through the detections and analyses, the information of the amounts, the community structures and the activities of the microorganism in the system could be abtained, so these informations can be used to build enhanced ecosystem and to strengthen the efficiency of the existed system.

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