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 生物工艺学 添加此单词到默认生词本
[生物] biotechnology

  1. 但是,国内所有的生物工艺学实验室都已经使用克隆技术的种种变体了。
    Yet variations on cloning technology are already used in biotechnology labs all across the country.
  2. 梅勋爵说,他认为那种“我们损失的仅是未来生物工艺学的原料”的说法是很站不住脚的。
    Lord May said he thought it a weak argument that what was being lost was the raw material for tomorrow's biotechnology.
  3. FCN每周为您刊载各州最近的食品安全、商标、生物工艺学及其他相关的法律法规。
    Each week FCN brings you a listing of the latest state-level legislation relating to food safety, labeling, biotechnology and other related topics.

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