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 生物废物处理 添加此单词到默认生词本
biological waste treatment

  1. 工程主要涉及改建转运站主楼,兴建隔油池废物储存缸和生物处理器。
    The works involve modification to part of the Main Transfer Building and construction of new area for storage tank and biological treatment.
  2. 生物反应堆是通过强化微生物转化和降解有机废物的能力进行处理固体废物的一种方法。
    A bioreactor landfill is a solid waste treatment method that uses enhanced microbiological processes to transform and stabilize the readily and moderately decomposable organic wastes.
  3. 虽然我们知道,如果我们不能坚决地处理多样性生物损失、污染和废物,未来世代的心灵健康将受到严重影响。
    We know, though, that the wellbeing of future generations will be heavily affected if we fail resolutely to tackle biodiversity loss, pollution and waste.

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