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 生物带 添加此单词到默认生词本
[古生] biozone

  1. 该新型动物园出于对生态资源的保育,教育,宣传上的关注,将以6个别具特色、激动人心“生物带”来再现世界濒危地区的风貌。
    With a focus on conservation, education and awareness, the renovated zoo will feature six exciting “biozones” to replicate endangered areas of the world.
  2. 这些生物带将会为描述该地区的生态保育工作以及通过教育引起公众对环境问题的重视提供一个良好的机会。
    Each of these biozones will be a chance to describe the conservation efforts going on in these areas to educate and bring about awareness of environmental issues.
  3. 而公园的新修整则把重点放在建立自然栖息地和再现6个生物带:稀树草原,非洲热雨林,巴塔哥尼亚,法属圭亚那,马达加斯加,和欧洲。
    The new renovation will focus on creating natural habitats and replicate six biozones: savanna, equatorial African rain forests, Patagonia, French Guiana, Madagascar, and Europe.

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