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 生物学特异性 添加此单词到默认生词本
biological specificity

  1. 这个研究有助于我们理解家庭中的多种慢性压力对健康孩子的特异性免疫功能的生物学影响。
    The research did not find evidence for any impact on the health of children of individual events such as family separation, neighbourhood violence or family injury, or general family conflicts.
  2. 研究组在期刊脑行为和免疫功能中写到,这个研究有助于我们理解家庭中的多种慢性压力对健康孩子的特异性免疫功能的生物学影响。
    The research helped in "understanding the biological impact of multiple sources of chronic stress in families on specific immune functions in a sample of generally healthy children", the team wrote in the journal Brain Behaviour and Immunity.
  3. 研究组在大脑行为和免疫功能的报告中写到,这个研究有助于我们理解家庭中的多种慢性压力对健康孩子的特异性免疫功能的生物学影响。
    The research helped in "understanding the biological impact of multiple sources of chronic stress in families on specific immune functions in a sample of generally healthy children", the team wrote in the journal Brain Behaviour and Immunity.

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