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 生物容器 [shēng wù róng qì添加此单词到默认生词本
[生物] biopack

  1. 有什么样的食物本身含有生物降解容器,无需烹调而又美味?
    What food item comes in its own biodegradable container, requires no cooking and tastes delicious?
  2. 皮氏培养皿是一种有盖的圆柱型容器生物学家利用这个盖子来研究细胞。
    Petri dish is a cylindrical container with a lid where biologists use to study cells.
  3. 然后它能被转化为一个句子,“一个文件箱放在有生物毒性的容器上”,它能被直接使用在建立典型场景的内容。
    And then it can be translated to a sentence, 'a file container is on the biohazard container, ' which we can directly use to build the scenario content.

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