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 生物工程学者 [shēng wù gōng chéng xué zhě添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 近日,记者走访中国生物工程学会的一些专家、学者,向他们了解了基因工程制药产业的有关情况。
    Recently, the reporter visits a few experts that Chinese biology engineering meets, scholar, understood the concerned situation of industry of gene project pharmacy to them.
  2. 此奖项旨在鼓励国内年青学者/工程师为汽车安全性设计、乘员保护及生物力学研究等领域做出贡献。
    The purpose of this award is to encourage young researcher/engineer to make contribution to the field of vehicle safety design, occupant protection, and injury biomechanics, etc.
  3. 起码这就是耐顿核心创意团队的梦想,团队中网罗了生物学者、海洋工程学者、机器人专家、物理学者及数学模型专家。
    That is the hope, anyway, of Nekton's core creative group of biologists, ocean engineers, roboticists, physicists and mathematical modelers.

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