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 生物屏蔽 添加此单词到默认生词本
biological shielding

  1. 难道庙宇中生物场的力量足以把它们屏蔽起来?
    Is the power of the temple in the biological field enough to shield them up?
  2. 同时,在正常运行和失水事故时,安全壳提供生物屏蔽
    The containment also provides biological shielding during not only normal operation but also the event of a loss of coolant accident.
  3. 涂料 、电磁屏蔽生物医学等领域有重要的应用前景。
    Water-soluble conducting polyanilines have important potential applications in areas of anti-corrosion coatings, electromagnetic shielding, biomedicine etc.

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